I feel like I'm always waiting on something to go wrong in relationships, which ultimately prevents anything good from possibly happening. Can relationships or "love", so to speak, last forever? I believe it's possible to settle and just be okay with staying with one person forever, but are we really satisfied throughout that entire lifetime? Is that what love is?
I really want to believe that the feeling that you get in a new relationship can last. I love that feeling. The excitement, the happiness, the love. I have that right now. That new feeling. I want it to last but as all past relationships have proven, it's probably not going to. Maybe this one is different. It sure feels like it. I've never been an optimist, but maybe I should throw in the towel and side with those guys this time. I'm still too fearful to allow myself to be so vulnerable to disappointment but maybe I'll give it a try and become vulnerable.
For right now, I'm happy with what I have. Hopefully that will never change and one day I'll look back at this with that light bulb above my head and wonder why I ever thought love couldn't last.