Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday - Puppy Love

So instead of cramps I get migraines during my girl time of the month. I really don't consider that a fair trade. Anyway, that's why this is late, apologies!

1. You all probably know how obsessed I am with French Bulldogs - so I feel the need to see this one day soon. It's in NYC on Madison and 50th! 

2. Cute little cake for a kid's birthday. 

3. This quote.

4. This hilarious Kong toy. Paco totally needs one! 

5. Of course I would paint this but I love it in the natural wood color too.

6. No other option!

7. Frodo really needs one of these. He eats way too fast! Right now we're using a small mason jar and that seems to keep him from scarfing his food down so fast.

8. Paco needs this. He gets easily over headed and needs to stay hydrated so anytime we go somewhere I have to make sure he has water. This bowl would come in handy, even though he loves drinking out of a water bottle. 

9. Perfect for making your own dog treats!

10. I would buy these if I knew my boys wouldn't destroy them so quickly. Lovin' Martha Stewart's new line of dog stuff!