Thursday, June 30, 2011

This & That

This was my first attempt at cake pops! I thought that since I offered to make them for a 4th of July party that I may want to do a practice batch first. These are chocolate cake mixed with cheesecake and then I coated half in Tiffany blue (one of my favorite colors, of course) icing with pearl sprinkles. The chocolate wouldn't melt all the way for me so I had a hard time getting it to coat them nicely and eventually gave up and started doing just half - but I think they still look cute and yarn to tie the plastic bags on was a cute little touch.

I received one of my Etsy orders in the mail.  I was so so so excited to get these little earrings. I thought they were so adorable online and they were even more magical in person! Fast shipping & not a bad price for handmade earrings! Go check out Wolfbird Studios for more cute stuff! 
These are the two sets of earrings I ordered...aren't they cute?!

photos from wolfbird studios etsy shop

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday, Kitchen Edition!

1. Measuring cups! You can get them here or here.
2. Puzzle cookie cutters would be fun!

3. These clips are fabulous. 30 for only $2.99 at Ikea, can't beat that!

4. DIY cake stands. I've been wanting to make a couple of these. You just might see them at my birthday party in August. 

5. Everything about Martha Stewart kitchen items makes me happy. 
I love the color combo so much I would live with it forever. 

6. I love love love this robin egg blue vintage fridge.

7. I am determined to buy this soon. How adorable!

8. Definitely need one of these.

9. I didn't know these existed...but hey, it would come in handy! 
Easy way to remove the stems off strawberries.

10. Everyone should have a pac-man oven mitt in their kitchen!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Craft Brain

I feel like my creative side is about to explode! I haven't really made much of anything in the past few weeks and it's killing me. I have the strong urge to run to the store and buy tons of things to make. I made a few hair bows yesterday (picture in yesterday's post) but I've still got the craft craving. I even gave this little blog a face lift due to this itch.

Everyone like the new style?

How do you cure your craft cravings - other than going out and buying the whole craft store?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Phone Photo Dump

I'm sorry for the lack of posts this week. I'm finally back Stateside and couldn't be happier. I was greeted at the airport by my parents and soon after I was surprised by the boy. I was so surprised that my reaction was to hit him, right in the stomach. Oops. Bad girlfriend move, right? Hah. It was a lovely surprise though and he even brought cupcakes. When I got back to the house I was surprised with more presents like the super adorable, and sometimes creepy, blythe doll I've been begging for. She still needs a name. Richard brought me an owl spoon ring that is so cute and fitting since I've been looking for a spoon ring for a while.

I'm glad to be home with my family and puppies. The trip weighed pretty heavily on me and it just now catching up to me so these past few days I've been kind of off but I'm working on forgiving and moving forward. Good things are in my future. I just need to be more confident in that.

I'll have Sweet Saturday up soon! Maybe I should go ahead and just rename it to something not so day specific...cause I'm obviously already slacking!
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday!

1. SO TINYYYY and cute! Go check out more here!

2. This little post about how some chopsticks are made here in the US!

4. I know I'm not 5 years old but I really want this Lalaloopsy doll. Isn't she precious? 

5. Funniest little prints. See more here.

6. Adorable little brooch.

7. Print. It totally reminds me of San Francisco!

8. I've only read the little preview for this on my Kindle but I've heard great things. Going to order it for the trip back to the states!

9. I just found the first two episodes on iTunes for free & watched them! Definitely gonna be DVRing this one!

10. Going to see Death Cab for Cutie in August with Madi and the boy! YES!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sweet Saturdays

I've decided to start this new feature called Sweet Saturdays. I was getting ready to write these sweet ladies letters before my departure from Okinawa and I decided that maybe a weekly post would be more appropriate since I do have a lot of people in my life that I admire and would love to write little letters to, but hardly ever sit down and actually do it. So now, each Saturday, 1-3 people will be featured and receive their own little letter from me. I hope you all enjoy this!
Here we go...

This is the lovely Katie. 
I wanted to publicly thank her for being such an awesome friend. Katie was there for me through and through during my first few months in Okinawa (and after that, too). You need a support system while being out here, so far away from family, and Katie definitely took over that role in my life. If I wanted to go on an adventure, she was ready! If I was breaking down in tears because I had a day where nothing went right, she showed up and took me out to dinner. This girl is nothing short of a good friend and I'm pretty bummed that I'm leaving her behind on this little island. We had a lot of fun in Oki in such a short time. I always think of how miserable but fascinated we were at the tug-o-war in Naha - and all of the amazing new food places that we tried while the boys were gone, with me always making you go in or pay first because I was nervous to talk to anyone. So thank you, Katie, for being so awesome - you have no idea how much it meant to me to have you around in Oki! I hope the rest of your time in Oki is lovely & you get to return home soon!

This is my beautiful wifey, Mariko.
She is the macaroni to my cheese, the biscuits to my gravy, the water to my ocean. Okay, I'll quit being cheesy now but, honestly, I couldn't believe how well we got along the first time we met for Starbucks in American Village. I was so nervous to meet up but I was immediately comfortable in her presence. We talked for the longest time about life and how we got to where we were sitting at that very moment. We've shared many laughs and stories. When everything started to go downhill, Mariko was there for me, giving me great advice and cheering me on to a better tomorrow. I've always admired her drive to help the environment and her obsession with baking adorable, and oh-so-yummy, desserts. Congratulations, Mariko, you've won the award for becoming a best friend quicker than anyone in my life has before! You play the role very well & I love you for that. Thank you for always being there and always making me laugh! You are quite an amazing person and I'm so thankful I got the chance to meet you. I can't wait for you to move to NC (yes, you're moving to NC...hehe) and own your mansion so I can move in with you.

June Spotlight on Millie Bell

Hey everyone.
Just wanna send you on over to
I've got a spot in the June Spotlight to get a little more traffic.
Welcome new readers!
Leave me a comment with a link to your blog/tumblr/twitter so I can meet you! 
& a big thanks to Melissa for allowing me to have a feature spot on her blog! 


Friday, June 17, 2011

Dresses, Dresses, Dresses

Forever 21
All of you that know me, probably know of my dress obsession. I have over 35 dresses in my closet at the moment. I consider that kind of ridiculous.It started as just an obsession with buying dresses, which was even worse considering I didn't actually wear them.
Now, I've been wearing them and can't stop.
Every time I'm browsing online shops, I go straight for the dress section. So here are some of my recent finds that I've fallen for.
Forever 21
American Eagle

Red Velvet

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Turning the Page

I am so excited to get back to North Carolina. Man, that place really has my heart.

So I've decided that I'm moving to Charlotte in the next month or two. I really don't think I could deal with the commute for school, so moving there is the best option. I'm gonna have a pretty sweet roomie too... Miss Madi has agreed to live with me - so when I get back, we're going on a search to find a place we love & can afford. Plus, Richard will be moving that way sooner or later, so that's always good news! I'm going to have to start a job hunt as well. Probably just going to stick with retail since they're usually super flexible & it won't be too stressful with school going on. Any suggestions are very welcome! I'm so stoked on this new chapter of life!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday!

I've been so anxious to do this week's Ten Things Tuesday. So many cute things I've been wanting to share! Tuesday is half way over in Okinawa so this is getting posted a little early for you babes back in America! Enjoy!

1. How awesome is this little work of art?! Those little white rings, yeah...those are made from plastic bags!

2. This is a shirt the boyfriend keeps talking about. I think it's pretty awesome too. Go check out their Etsy shop for more animals riding bicycles!

3. With or without children... I will have something extremely similar to this in my backyard one day!

4. So I came across the Saturated Canary blog the other day and I'm in loveeee with her hair. I never knew synthetic dreads existed (yeah, they never mentioned this is cosmetology school..?!?) and now I'm itching to give it a try since I've wanted dreads for years. Isn't she gorgeous? Here's her post about her hair!

5. I discovered Polyvore the other day. You can go in and find soooo many items that are actually sold in stores and make your own cute little collage. Love it!


6. This would be so dreamy for my birthday party in August. I wish I could really make it look almost this adorable! Look forward to a Ten Things Tuesday, Birthday Party Edition next month!!!

7. I finally bought this shirt today. I've been eyeing it for a while, I think Mariko actually showed me the site (maybe?) a few months back. It's totally me and definitely reminds me of a few other sweet ladies too. Check out this Etsy for more adorable shirts! 

8. Oh, journals. I'll write on a few pages and then they'll get tucked away somewhere for me to pick up later and adore what was going on in my life at that time. & I'm a lover of fresh notebooks. A collector, you might say. This one won my heart. Find it here.

9. Honeycomb Print! Super adorable. I'll never have enough prints! 

10. Bezel set jewelry. I love the way these stones are set. All from Etsy, of course. You can find these here, here, and here.