Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday

1. I'm beginning to have a slight obsession with nesting dolls. 

2. These prints are way too cute!!

3. Super easy tutorial on how to make a dress for only a few bucks.

4. This is on my crafty to-do list!

5. Meditation! - to help me fall asleep on restless nights. I really enjoy Bonnie Groessl's guided meditation, but something else may work better for you. It helps me clear my mind before dozing off. I honestly never thought meditation would work for me, but it's pretty amazing.

6. This is the only way I'd ever have a real deer head in my house.

7. I just love zinnias and just spring time, in general, with all the beautiful flowers

8. Sally Hansen Salon Effects. These are the ones I applied tonight & my review = awesome!

9. I seriously need a dream catcher. Someone buy me this so I can put it over my bed, please!

10. I've been admiring this type of wreath for a while. Sooooo tempted to make one, but I really think I would get tired of winding that yarn around it a million times.

Monday, April 25, 2011

These Won't Kill a Moose

I saw some decorative arrows the other day while browsing online and now I can't seem to find the original post to link you back to where I got the idea from. Bummer. Anyway, I thought these would make a great addition to my room. I'm going to include a mini-tutorial on how to make them, so you can make your own. Believe me, it's super easy...I'm not sure a tutorial is even necessary - but I'm bored, so you're getting it anyway!

  • two (or more) wooden dowels
  • painters tape
  • paint colors of your choice & paint brush
  • scissors
  • paper (I used part of a brown paper bag)
  • feathers
  • thumb tacks or nails
  1. Cut a triangle shape out of your paper and tape it to the ends of the wooden dowels to make a point-like shape, like an arrow should have at the end. 
  2. Gather a few feathers and tape them to the other end of the dowels.
  3. Use your painters tape and cut it into strips and then place the strips on the dowel in whatever pattern you wish.
  4. Paint the open areas with the colors of your choice and then allow to dry.
  5. Remove the tape from the dowel (except the tape holding on the arrow and the feathers) and then paint the remaining areas. I painted mine in white to soften it up and match my room. Allow to dry.
  6. You're finished! I used two clear thumb tacks to hang mine up above my window.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Review of Samy Fat Foam Hair Color

I've been coloring my hair at home for years. Every so often I will go to the salon, but my home color just seems to stay longer and doesn't hurt my wallet as much. I've been eager to color my hair for a couple of weeks and when I came across this Fat Foam in Wal-mart the other day (sorry, I can't remember the exact price but I believe it was around $8), I just knew I had to try it. I have had auburn/red/brown hair forever and they had the perfect shade named "Deep Cherry Brown" that I wanted to try. 

This is what their Facebook fan page claims: 

"Non-drip whipped foam wraps each hair strand allowing even color from root to end
100% gray coverage
Easy and mistake proof, even for the first time user
What's inside: color powder, base solution, gloves, shampoo, conditioner, mixing shaker and instructions
One application covers shoulder-length hair"

So I got my supplies out and started the process... 
and then waited...and waited a little more...and this is what I ended up with!

  • Covered all of my hair! I am usually squeezing the very last of the color out of the tube of normal hair coloring kits to get every inch covered. This foam covered my entire head and I even had extra. 
  • You know how you get hair color on your skin? Well, with this stuff...it somehow just rubs off. I say that's pretty amazing. No more breaking out the alcohol to scrub around my hairline! 
  • Achieved the color I wanted with even coverage
  • I loved that it came with shampoo! Most kits only provide conditioner and tell you to NOT shampoo right after coloring. I can't stand having to wait. The little extra scrubbing helps get all the color out. 
  • About the same price as other color products

  • They claim that it's a "no-drip" foam. I'd agree to a certain extent...but I still made the same mess as I have previously with liquid hair colors. If you only use a little bit at a time, you shouldn't have any issues.
  • I seemed to have more hair falling out than usual when I was rinsing. I have no clue if this has anything to do with the product - but I think it still needs to be noted. 

Overall, I give this stuff two thumbs up and will definitely be using it in the future!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Project Remodel - Ottoman

As you guys know, I've been working on my room. Once I feel that the whole thing is photo-worthy, I'll let you see it. The wood flooring and paint scheme turned out awesome but for now, you just get this little project. 

We've had this ottoman around the house for while, it usually travels to whichever room Copper will be sleeping in, since he can't get into the bed without help since he's so little. Since I'm living here now, it's ended up in my room. I couldn't stand how it was a huge eye sore in my fresh new room so I finally decided to recover it. 

I've never re-upholstered anything in my life - so this thing is no where near perfection, but I think it turned out pretty decent! The corners were a challenge but Mom and I thought the little tuffs at the bottom made it look cute (it looks better in person, I promise). 

It only cost me about $20 at Hancock Fabric for the two yards because I had a 50% off coupon. The left over fabric is going to be used to re-cover a chair that goes with the desk. To my surprise, they had an awesome selection at the fabric store and I had a hard time choosing which one I thought would go best with the rest of the room.

(closer photo of the new fabric, mom helping, coordination with rest of room)

(click the photo for larger view)

What do you think?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Goal Update

Do you remember this little post that I wrote about my own personal goals? Here is a recap of my goals that I had in mind:
  • Follow (and write down) a daily schedule
  • Wake up by 9:30am and go to bed by 10pm
  • Cut back on naps
  • Accomplish one personal goal each day, no matter how little it may seem (walk the dogs, buy someone a gift, fill out a scholarship application, etc
I've been working really hard on 3 out of 4. My sleep schedule has become more "normal", with me usually going to bed between 10:30 and 11:30 and waking up before 11. Which is wayyy better than me staying up till 3, 4, or 5 and then sleeping all day! I've done really well with holding out on naps, so that I will actually stick to this new schedule - but there have been many times that I could barely keep my eyes open, so I easily slipped into nap mode. Overall, the napping has been cut down. I've actually done very well with the accomplishing one personal goal every day. I've really surprised myself with that one. Last week, I walked Parker every day - and even walked a little further than I wanted to some days. He really enjoyed it, so it was nice. Today, I got on the ball with getting some things in order for school and that was nice as well. Every day when I wake up, I still ask myself what my goal will be. It can be as small as actually getting out of the house or making a blog post...it still makes me feel better to know that I've gotten a few tasks done in the day. I haven't been writing down a daily schedule, so that is something I still need to work on. Maybe a dry erase board would help?

A few of you commented on the original post and/or shared your own personal goals with me. How is that going for you? Please feel free to share any updates! I'd love to hear how it's going for you.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Left My Heart in Charleston!

So I just returned from my week long trip in Charleston on Monday. It was a great time and I was sad to leave but I really missed my family, house, and my sweet babies (Copper hasn't left my side since I've returned). 
Richard and I got a head start on the fun and stuck to a very not-so-strict schedule. I arrived Sunday and we made an awesome fort in the living room and watching 500 Days of Summer. Great movie, by the way. Monday I was lazy all day and took Parker on a super long walk and then after Richard got home from work, we filled up our bellies with lots and lots of crab legs at Reds! Tuesday was yucky outside so it was scary movie night - Paranormal Activity 2 (which wasn't as scary as I assumed it would be). Wednesday we had a picnic and took Parker with us, he loved it. Thursday we just stayed at the house and played lazy. Friday is when Ashley, Ryan, Scott and Christine joined us. And now I'll direct you to Christine's blog - she recapped the rest of the weekend beautifully! We had tons of fun & lots of laughs were shared. I still say the girls won Cranium, sorry boys - you losttttt. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday, Craftgawker.com

1. I'm not a fan of real deer heads on a wall, so this takes the win!
2. Cute photo. Check out The Honey Trees.
3. I keep finding more and more awesome things to make as Halloween costumes!
4. Fishtail braids are so pretty, I wish my hair was long enough to do them.
5. I love the colors of this piece of jewelry.
6. The tutorial to make this scarf is simple & so fun!
7. I am in love with this baby shower theme table!
8. Tiny embroidery projects.
9. I just love succulents, they are so simple to care for.
10. How cute would this be to make for someone who loves to travel? I need to find a large heart punch!

and if you haven't checked out Craftgawker.com (where I found all of these pretties listed above) yet, you should do it now. It's one of my daily reads and a great source for ideas!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday, Charleston!

(click image for larger view)

1. The Cobblestone Streets are quite beautiful.
2. Red's Ice House all you can eat crab legs? yes, please!
3. Cupcake! Just walk in this place - it smells heavenly!
4. The Aquarium!
5. The Market
6. Juanita Greenbergs has the bestttt nachos and burritos!
7. crossing Cooper Bridge provides an amazing view of the water and land
8. Parker Park Bark, calmest doggy I know.
9. Folly Beach - haven't been yet but it's on the itinerary. 
10. Richard! of course!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Newest Family Members

Okay, so they may not be able to hang out with the entire family...but sure are fun to watch. We definitely don't need any other cats or dogs running around here and I wanted something a little more low maintenance, but still just as cute. You all may remember one of Ten Things Tuesday lists, the one I had a cute little mouse on? Well, I finally got around to getting two little munchkins of my own & they are way too sweet. They are both females, one is an orange color and the other is brown. I've named the brown one Thistle but the orange baby still needs a name so feel free to leave suggestions! They're still a bit scared & shy but they will sniff my hand and do not really run from me anymore. Hopefully by the end of the week I can get them to let me hold them. I'm hoping to get some better pictures of them as soon as I'm able to hold them, until then - photo quality is gonna be crappy because they're so stinkin' quick!

Don't worry, no mice were harmed in this photo. Penelo & Yenko had to check out the ladies.

Here is Thistle and you can kinda see little orange baby running on the wheel...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Just a Reminder...

Last night I met up with a friend for sushi. I had already had steak with my parents so I opted for just stealing a few bites from my friend's plate & ordering just dessert...which was a slice of amazinggg raspberry cheesecake! Anyway, I still got a fortune and this kind of blew my mind - especially after yesterday's blog post. In the past I've always just tossed my silly little fortune to the side and forever forgotten about it, but not this time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happiness, Are You There?

I have so many personal things I could write about but I'm still keeping them guarded. I'm going to try and let go a bit for this little post. Lets just say that I'm working on things...slowly, but surely. This is step one: being more open! 

I've become terrified of love. Commitment gives me a queasy feeling these days and trust, well, trust went out the window a long time ago.


There is one person that keeps me smiling and laughing throughout the day and gives me hope for all of those things I've been so afraid of. Someone that has a special place in my heart, someone I hope to keep around for a while.

Even though I'm not sure when I'll be 100% ready for those three things again, I'm willing to let them in, slowly. They need work, they need to rebuild their strength in my heart, they need to be okay.

I can't be afraid to say how I feel anymore. I can't be afraid to get hurt.
  I've been fighting off my feelings lately, pushing them away and never wanting to admit to myself that it could be possible to actually feel again. I don't need to be numb. 
I need to just let it be & see where this path in the road of life goes.
Aren't we here to live and learn...to grow as individuals & improve ourselves? I'm ready to open up. I'm eager for the future but there is so much patience in my heart.

"Happiness is just outside my window
Would it crash blowing 80-miles an hour?
Or is happiness a little more like knocking
On your door, and you just let it in?"
-The Fray

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ten Things Tuesday, Animal Edition!

2. Adorable shark earrings

3. How stinkin' cute is this fishing set?!

6. I really want some naturally shed antlers for my room!

7. Cute little t-shirt/comic.  

8. Someone better make me this cake for my birthday this year. :]

9. Gotta have some bunnies around for Easter!

10. Sweet tattoo!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Phone Photo Dump Day!

My favorite feature on my phone is the camera. Okay...texting is my #1 fave but the camera is a super close 2nd. I always have my phone with me, so it's easy to just grab it and snap a picture when I want. I hoard tons and tons of photos on it so I figured today would be a good day for a photo dump collage. You can click on the photo above to see the pictures a little larger.

I need some good blog topics, y'all! Please leave me a comment with something you wanna see me write about...or heck, ask me a question, and I'll answer! Don't worry, you can ask anonymously so you don't have to worry about feeling silly.

This time next week I'll be hanging out in Charleston again & I can't waittttt.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dad!!! 
Thanks for being such an awesome dad, I love you very much!